Angelina Jolie doll goes for $3,350 on eBay

Noel Cruz is an amazingly talented man. He can take a regular 16-inch Coal Sybarite by Superdoll, remove the factory paint, and with nothing more than brushes, acrylics and sealers can transform the manufactured doll into an unbelievably true-to-life likeness of a celebrity. His Angelina Jolie version is stunning!
Cruz compared the top photos of Angelina Jolie in Vanity Fair's July 2008 issue to the bottom photos of the doll he created.

$3,350 stunning to one lucky, and crazy, eBay bidder. The doll came with two wigs and handpainted, sculpturally enhanced breasts, and without tattoos, which can be added, handpainted by Cruz, for $15 to $35 each depending on the tattoo, and without clothes! Yep, some one received Angelina Jolie naked in the post for only $3,500 plus shipping and handling.
Savvy entrepreneur Cruz also recreates celebrity trademark clothes… sold separately!

Nick Cruz’s website,, shows more of his incredible work ,you gotta visit this! His Daniel Craig, Kirsten Dunst, Mary Poppins, and Scarlett O’Hara are Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Nicole Kidman, Johnny Depp mindblowing!

The art work of Cruz is definitely amazing.... Really loved it! Do you think you will buy one of these??

Here are photos which are taken from eBay listing.

Source [Celebitchy]


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