Prison Break coming to an END!

Prison Break is coming to an end...soon; Fox today announced the series will be ending at the conclusion of this season.

Prison Break is currently on a little vacation, as Fox beefs up its midseason schedule with the aforementioned trio and a little program called American Idol. However, Fox did schedule a return for the final episodes of Prison Break--they begin their run April 17!!!! (Yaaa, I know what you are thinking.... :(....)

According to, Fox president Kevin Reilly explained, "[Prison Break] got to a point where a lot of the stories had been told," which is a kind way to say the show was running on fumes creatively. At least six hours of the drama are left to go, with the possibility of a few more hours added as Reilly said he wants the program to "finish strong."

Do you think the series should end? Who will you miss most when the screen goes dark? Or your cool with it that its ending?



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