Eva Longoria- Final member of the All- Star Team

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria told SSNN that she is “excited and thrilled” to have been selected by the fans as the final member of the American League All-Star Team also popularly known as "Midsummer Classic".
“I’m just over the moon,” Longoria said. “It’s my first all-star selection, and I really couldn’t be happier. This just goes to show you that there really are a lot of Desperate Housewives fans out there, even though sometimes it feels like we’re the show without any fans. I just really am so thankful.”

“I’ve never really played baseball before,” Longoria said. “So I thought it was a little weird that they chose me to the All-Star Team of baseball. But hey, how hard can it be, right?”
Hmmm... seems she is very exicted. She says if all goes well she would definitely want to do it again next year.


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