Avril Lavigne Embarrassed Herself in Concert

Avril Lavigne proved she's not the smartest entertainer. I guess we shouldn't have expected her to be since she dropped out of school at age 16. Ninemsn reports:
Fans at Avril Lavigne's Canadian homecoming were left stunned after the singer displayed an embarrassing lack of geographical knowledge. Lavigne, 23, shocked concertgoers at her Montreal show by incorrectly stating what province she was in. "I love you Montreal, I'm so happy to be back home...in Ontario, Canada," Lavigne said to the crowd. Montreal is actually a city in Quebec."

That's actually pathetic that she doesn't know that Montreal isn't in Ontario given that she was born in Belleville, Ontario, just a few hours drive away from Montreal, Quebec.
Avril should take some time and go back to school because she's an embarrassment to Canadians.



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